Monday, December 3, 2012

Final Facebook Presentation




Results of my execution of page


I went into this part of the assignment and class with excitement and willingness to use the Facebook page. I saw this as a way to get my new business off the ground.

I knew that I would be busy. Then the semester started and I found that I was not able to spend time on the actual business, work full time and keep up with my school responsibilities.

I did take care of the business web page enough to be able to go ahead and promote the page through Facebook to fulfill the class assignment. Not having great items to promote from the actual business web page was a component to not being able to add interest to the Facebook page.

Everything started without too much of an issue, but after a few friends liked the page, the likes dried up. I was getting likes for the actual posts, but not the page. This was one issue that I did not meet the goal for 30 likes.

My friends just were not interested in liking a business page that is selling used items.


What Will I do Different


I have the business page established. I will continue to promote items through Facebook, as well as take the suggestion and cross promote through As I sell some items through other services as or e-bay, I will add information in the packages to promote the website as well as the Facebook page.

As time becomes available I will work to add product to the business main web page and promote new additions to the inventory.

I will not depend on Facebook, but will use the tools to continue to grow. I was able to get several Facebook likes, and can continue the growth with some work.

I will go snoop on another business that I have on my follow or friend list, that sells the same type of things and sells in the same way that I do. I will see what works and build on their ideas.

Careful promotions of special items will also be a goal. I want to find a way to promote and keep the commission away from e-bay and Amazon. I can drop the price and still make money.

My plan is to do what I have done and then do some more. Hard work will create a great business out of an idea.







Wednesday, November 14, 2012


For those intereseted I have posted the PowerPoint for our presentation on Slide Share

After the presentation I will add more thoughts here for the blog

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Contextual Media Assignment

Current Event - Seattle Supersonics


In 2006, the Seattle Supersonics were sold to Clay Bennett and his group if investors. Before the sale, Seattle was led to believe that they as an investment group were not planning to move the team. Two years later after an agreement was not reached to update the Seattle Center area and Key Arena, the team was moved to Oklahoma City to become the Oklahoma Thunders in 2008.

The events that led up to the move of the Sonics took about two years to play out after the purchase of the team form Clay Bennett.

In a short description about the situation, the Seattle area felt that they were blindsided. The Sonics owners felt that the local government was not doing anything to help with a new arena. With the line drawn, after a two year battle about a new stadium, the team was moved to Oklahoma.

For those that do not know, Key Arena is a small arena. Seating capacity is 17,000 for basketball. This is small compared to other stadiums in the NBA. The stadium was fully rebuilt 1994-1995. The floor was lowered 35 feet below street level, adding more seating. Information from

The city was shocked that the move actually happened. Two years of negotiations and it was over. The team was moved to Oklahoma. At first, the Seattle area and Western Washington were in shock that a team that the area had for so long was taken away so quickly. The voters did pass a law that directs funding for another sports stadium was not going to be allowed. The issue was that Clay Bennett and his investment group wanted the City and County to pay all the costs for a new stadium.

Key Arena 2012

Social Media – The Start of a Campaign

The stage was set, the Sonics moved to Oklahoma, and Seattle no longer had a Basketball Team. Soon after the shock set in Jason Reid, the director of started the campaign to educate the area about what had really happened.
This did not start with the website, but with a full-length movie with the director’s cut released in 2009, almost a year after the Sonics left Seattle. This grass roots effort started as a movement of awareness. The movie is titled Sonicsgate started the campaign for a new team for Seattle. This group also has a FaceBook page.
A separate group with the same cause created a Facebook page in February 2011 that started the media campaign to bring back the Seattle Supersonics. This page is titled “Bring Back our Sonics” Currently there are over 8600 people that have liked the page.
This campaign started through social media and has seen great success. Big name investors came on board and momentum built. Meetings were created between government officials and the investors.
None of this would have happened if people did not get organized and post current information. Each time there was a meeting event or story these groups posted the information. The Movie page used their resources to promote the documentary. The Save our Sonics site stayed focused to share the current news and to post dates and times for meetings to gather support. Seattle saw a chance for a return of the NBA to the area.
There were several issues, which included the need for a private investment agreement for a new stadium. Chris Hansen is the new investor heading the proposed new stadium and the return of the Sonics to Seattle.
As of September 2012, the Seattle City Council and Hansen reached a tentative arena agreement. This is according to the Seattle Times.
The fight is still not over. Even though a tentative agreement has been reached with the City of Seattle and King County, there has been a twist to this whole case. The Port of Seattle is now fighting the location and has taken Seattle City to court.
The return of the Supersonics may or may not happen, there are still issues to solve. There are enough people on task that have become a part of the social media coverage on this issue. There are daily post on the Bring Back our Sonics page that have links to any media coverage about the Sonics. Events and gatherings continue to be planned by this group. When the Seattle City Council met, the date and time of the meeting was posted at the Bring Back our Sonics Facebook page.

                                                          Site for new arena near Safeco Field


Citizen Journalism

This story started as a story of defeat for the Seattle area. Social Media and the internet have turned this into a story to bring change. The change or goal is to bring the Seattle Supersonics back to Seattle.

Several pages were created about this movement. These pages include blogs and news sites. These daily blogs have contributed to the growth of a movement to have the Sonics return to Seattle.

The Sonicsgate site has continued to push and promote this by creating a shorter version of their documentary. They are now selling this revised DVD  in a fundraiser and as a way raise money to continue to promote their campaign for the Sonics.

Since the Save our Sonics page was formed through Facebook, many people have posted their views through comments on the page with over 1480 followers.!/saveoursonics?fref=ts


The Sonics campaign is also on Twitter. There are several results including:

·         Sonicsgate

·         Sonics Arena

·         Seattle Supersonics@SeattleSonics

·         Seattle Supersonics@BringBackSonics

·         Seattle Supersonics@SUPERSONICS_SEA

·         Seattle SuperSonics@Seattle_Sonics


All found at


There are other pages that are also part of this story about the Seattle Supersonics that are are listed here:



Impact of the Movement

Without social media, if the Seattle Supersonics were sold a few years before, there may have been just a few newspaper articles, or a television news story with the news. A movement to get the Sonics back may not have happened.
In this case, social media created an avenue for people to gather and organize. It started with a film, and others jumped in to work on a plan. Some key people stepped in and started giving support.
The result is there is now an investor that is willing and has stepped forward with the City of Seattle approval and King County approval.
 The process has started, with an agreement for an arena in place, the search and negotiation with the NBA has started. Without social media, there would not have been a platform or place to advertise that there were people working on plan to have chance for the Seattle Supersonics to return to Seattle. Though Seattle does not have a new team agreement in place, there is a great possibility that this will happen in the near future.

My Opinion

I was just a kid when the Sonics came to Seattle. Though I have never been a great sports fan, I do not know all the statistics, or the names of the players. The Seattle Supersonics were part of what I called home, Sonics were a part of Seattle. My thought is that Seattle is not the same without the Sonics.

What happened is terrible. The loss of this team was not supposed to happen. It was comments such as these that started the social media campaign to get a new NBA team.

Seattle government and the owners of the Seattle Supersonics were at the end of negotiations for a new stadium. A line was drawn, which created a mess. I knew that this issue would come to a head sometime. It did.

The major drawback to the old stadium is that it is small. Yes, more seating was created during the rebuild, but not enough for the NBA of today. There has been debate about the use of this stadium and parking which is difficult to find in the Seattle Center complex, where Key arena is located. One solution is to park downtown, which is more than a mile away, and ride the monorail to the Seattle Center.

Seattle is divided on how to solve this situation. I feel that Seattle history is repeating again. Any time there is a major decision to be made, there is a long fight. No one can agree on how to get things done. It is this fighting attitude that may have caused the loss of the team in the first place.

Social media has created a platform for Washington residents to unite for a common cause. By doing this, a movement to create change happened in a short time. However, if the momentum slows down on social media, this fight for the Sonics may also be lost.  

The area may still not get a new NBA team, as the negation process continues. Social Media has given this native of Seattle some hope for a new team.

Seattle Center Coliseum 1967 - The Sonics arrived in Seattle for the 1967-68 season. 




Friday, November 2, 2012

Equitable Business

Equitable Business

Part 1 – Employment from the Home


Telecommuting is an idea that comes and goes, for some businesses this is a great idea. For those that have a desire to work from home need to have technology available for this purpose. The community will be providing a server and network availability for several purposes including dedicated bandwidth for commerce.

It is suggested that a space be provided for a home office in each of the residences. This space will have necessary hardware hookup capabilities.

A suggestion for the community plan is to have an office center in the business district. This will enable the home worker, or telecommuter to have office support services available. The plan is for a company to provide these services as a company at a reasonable cost. There are many people that are using technology to run in home businesses, the service of this company will be a great resource as home businesses try to be sustainable.

Part 2 – Business District


The community has a business district for the purpose to provide goods and services locally. This is to achieve the goal to have sustainability and use fewer resources. The plan is to lease spaces that are eco-friendly. It will be necessary for businesses to adhere to a recycling program, and to find ways to be environmentally friendly.

The business district will be located at the street levels of several mixed used community buildings to provide necessary services. Since the businesses are mixed into the neighborhoods, it will be important that these business are in line with the community goals.

At the home page for the community network will be a link to each business where these companies will have the opportunity to provide online services to enhance the customer service abilities within the community. The network will be set up to have the technology available. The business owners can use some or all services the network will be able to provide. This gives freedom to the owner to grow the business in a way that is not being dictated or formed by the community. With the freedom to pick services to provide, these companies can grow, as demands from customers require services.



Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I wanted to give a few thoughts about the troll discussion. I read the definitions on a few other posts and understand what a troll is.


What is interesting is how easy people feel that they can attack when they are hidden behind the monitor and keyboard. As I brought up in class the other day, I was having a bit of fun with the election and made a comment that I was voting for a cartoon character. This opened up a heated discussion with direct attacks about my thinking credibility and decision. When I explained that this was supposed to be a funny lite humor post, they finally understood. But, I did have a friend turn it back to serious, including an attack on religion.


This blog post is not to push any candidate – that’s not the issue. I have been careful to avoid political debate on the internet. It just gets too nasty because of the way responses are – especially when these responses come in a way of drop the bomb and run.


The background, I have known this friend since the early 1970’s and have never seen her act as bold as she was behind the keyboard. When I made an indirect comment about her attack on my views, she changed her tone, not her views, but how posts on this interaction were done. I do think she forgot that she was posting to someone that really knew her from real life.


My story above was about someone that I knew doing a tiny attack. There was no worry or problem, but she did go to a friend that is very political who friended me, I took the “bait” and accepted. This person proceeded to post every few minutes about her political agenda. Now I do agree with being open minded, but do not agree with someone pushing me to vote, as they want.



It was an interesting to watch the interaction.


On the Troll issue, these people are using the same attitude, by hiding behind a computer causing havoc.


The question in class came up, “Do we go ahead and let the government control of the internet, or do we keep it open?”


My answer is that I want to keep the government out of the picture. Private sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, or Reddit all have created rules that subscribers to the sites must follow. We do not need the government taking over the internet.


These were random thoughts about class on Monday -- Thanks

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Facebook Ad

The assignment was to show the start of creating an ad.

First I will show the ad on the page:
Following is the set up page ofthe Facebook ad, with a few comments:

This is the first of five sections -

Part 2 - this is where I start to make ad choices.

You will notice the Audience is at over 18 million till I changed one thing....

After changing the age to 18 plus here is what the new numbers were/ are.... down to just over 14 million. My target is not the teens during this round of advertizing. This decision narrowed down the pool of people by at leats two million people.
Then the last part ofthe page is shown below:
There is my ad prep page.