Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I wanted to give a few thoughts about the troll discussion. I read the definitions on a few other posts and understand what a troll is.


What is interesting is how easy people feel that they can attack when they are hidden behind the monitor and keyboard. As I brought up in class the other day, I was having a bit of fun with the election and made a comment that I was voting for a cartoon character. This opened up a heated discussion with direct attacks about my thinking credibility and decision. When I explained that this was supposed to be a funny lite humor post, they finally understood. But, I did have a friend turn it back to serious, including an attack on religion.


This blog post is not to push any candidate – that’s not the issue. I have been careful to avoid political debate on the internet. It just gets too nasty because of the way responses are – especially when these responses come in a way of drop the bomb and run.


The background, I have known this friend since the early 1970’s and have never seen her act as bold as she was behind the keyboard. When I made an indirect comment about her attack on my views, she changed her tone, not her views, but how posts on this interaction were done. I do think she forgot that she was posting to someone that really knew her from real life.


My story above was about someone that I knew doing a tiny attack. There was no worry or problem, but she did go to a friend that is very political who friended me, I took the “bait” and accepted. This person proceeded to post every few minutes about her political agenda. Now I do agree with being open minded, but do not agree with someone pushing me to vote, as they want.



It was an interesting to watch the interaction.


On the Troll issue, these people are using the same attitude, by hiding behind a computer causing havoc.


The question in class came up, “Do we go ahead and let the government control of the internet, or do we keep it open?”


My answer is that I want to keep the government out of the picture. Private sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, or Reddit all have created rules that subscribers to the sites must follow. We do not need the government taking over the internet.


These were random thoughts about class on Monday -- Thanks

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Facebook Ad

The assignment was to show the start of creating an ad.

First I will show the ad on the page:
Following is the set up page ofthe Facebook ad, with a few comments:

This is the first of five sections -

Part 2 - this is where I start to make ad choices.

You will notice the Audience is at over 18 million till I changed one thing....

After changing the age to 18 plus here is what the new numbers were/ are.... down to just over 14 million. My target is not the teens during this round of advertizing. This decision narrowed down the pool of people by at leats two million people.
Then the last part ofthe page is shown below:
There is my ad prep page.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


This is my attempt to make a new logo for my Store. What do you all think. I am looking for feedback. Thanks

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3 - Presidental Debate

This was a new experience for me to watch a debate and see live responses to things being said in the debate.

There is a strong divide between the followers of the presidential candidates. Post such as Obama sucks or Romney is a loser. There was even a post about Romney’s religion from one tweeter. Different tweeters spent time pointing out flaws of the candidate that they wanted to lose.

The first category that was debated was takes. Twitter went wild as this subject was debated. When President Obama spoke, the naysayers were throwing out jabs and negative remarks. As Mit Romney took his turn, the same thing happened, jabs and remarks that pointed out the flaws that they had seen.

Economy was the title of the second category, which prompted several tweets.

The subject of Social Security and entitlements blended in with the health care issue that was supposed to be a separate section of the debate. Medicare and that subject prompted tweets from both sides. Some tweeters were calling Obama a liar. Tweets were coming in at a point that I could not scroll fast enough to see all the comments.

To conclude, I did learn that information does move fast on twitter once a subject is grabbed on to by a tweeter.


As the moderator was not able to keep either debater in check for time, it became another source of a tweet attack. This included a tweet that stated that the NFL replacement refs could have done a better job.

I feel that tweeting is the modern version of the old chat rooms that were popular several years ago. The difference is now you go on to twitter, use a slash mark to narrow the topic and get to add your comments.

In this case there was an even amount of people behind each of the candidates. If this was not the case, twitter could very easy become a forum where the ideas from The Spiral of Silence Theory could take effect and people would not want to state their feelings due to majority opinion.




The Presidential Debate –
Tweets I found Interesting


There were thousands of tweets during the debate. I used the #presidentialDebate2012




First 15 minutes - Taxes


Romney will hire many people, in China

And enough talk about trickling down. I thought we over Santorum.


i'll take "trickle-down government" over "trickle-down economics" any day.



Why can't Obama give direct answers?!


lol at Romney back-pedaling


Is anyone counting how many times #Obama is saying "uh" during this #debate2012? I want to know.

Romney - is actually answering the question on the economy. Amazing

Why does Romney want to "Crack down on China if/when they cheat." Worry about USA cheating





Romney definitely did better on the first question


@JasWrightCom101 specifics on lifting the economy and not personal jobs. And mention the student dept crisis


romney getting to jump in on #potus response. he's being clear and concise. definitely confidant


Both Obama and Romney want to lower Corporate Taxx Rates, while removing Deductions - #Romney wants to do same for individuals

wow, without a teleprompter the President seems a little lost...

@GreekGent: Obama won't even look at Romney.” How does it feel to get reamed?

Mitten! The moderator decides who gets the last word!




339 new tweets


Damn. They kept saying the exact same thing over and over. 5 trillion tax cut. Yes or no

Mitt Romney is politely calling Barack Obama a liar

There Mitt goes. Temper Temper Bad Zinger


Romney is well prepared tonight. He's not letting Obama get away with anything

Romney gets specific while Obama does a stump speech!

The Goddamn five billion tax cut is getting annoying. Can we stop talking about it now?

#debate2012 is Obama deaf? Romney is not saying he will increase taxes by 5 trillion!



America needs Big Bird!   (Response to Romney wanting to cut PBS)


Social Security and Entitlements


Why do ppl want Obama to get angry. He's acting the way he suppose to act. Cool

"I don't think vouchers are the way to go."

"I have become fond of this term...Obamacare." - Obama

RT @GovGaryJohnson: We're into the real meat of the debate now: who's going to spend MORE on Medicare?


 @DannyZeng14: #debate2012 president: we do need to lower the cost of healthcare...uh your healthcare reform doesn't do that” lol

Health Care

Obama came justthisclose to blaming everything on Bush, which would have killed him

"@GovGaryJohnson: Fact: nothing government does costs less than the private sector. Nothing


The food stamp president is getting his ass kicked

Why is everyone saying Obama is doing a terrible job...he absolutely is not. He's real, he's a human being people

Who argues with the Moderator? Where are the Replacement Refs when you need them?!

219 New Tweets


Obama, that was the longest 5 seconds I've ever witnessed!

"@BarackObama: President Obama:"When you move to a voucher system, you are putting seniors at the mercy of insurance companies."


The Role of Government

"The path we are taking is not working. It's time for a new path."

I love how Pres Obama keeps saying Mitt's plan is detailed... At least he has a plan that can be viewed online

Oh man, can Romney and Obama just get it over with and start punching. It's so obvious they want to strangle each other

Dude Obama is putting words in romneys mouth. HE'S NOT CUTTING TAXES OR EDUCATION. GOOD GOD.


Closing Statement

Romney actually answered the question. Obama is just talking about nothing. What's new.


Obama: "My faith in the American future is undiminished."

Obama just got destroyed in this debate